Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Feature - Video Tutorials - Part I

Here is the first trial at making a video on how I go about sculpting figures. It's a bit rough but decent for not knowing how to use the editing program etc etc. So hopefully as we get deeper and deeper into the sculpt the videos will get better and better.

I would love feedback on these three videos which makes up Part I of the sculpting video series. I had to make them less then 10 minutes long each, otherwise they would not let it upload. I hope to find a 'cure' for this so entire 'chapters' can be uploaded as opposed to breaking it into sections.

You might need to turn up the volume to hear the narrative, which is also a work in progress!

At any rate. Here are the videos. I would love feedback on these so send me an email or post a comment here on the blog.

-Making the Mannequin-

Part I

Part II

Part III


Airton Jr. said...

fantastic, fantastic, excelent job !
great help for us!!
waiting for more videos !
congratulations from Brazil
best regards

Anders Heintz said...

Hola Airton,

Thanks for taking the time to check out the videos! Glad you enjoy them!! There will be more to come, following the sculpting of the entire figure so stay tuned.

Thanks again for taking the time to check them out and to leave a comment!

Anonymous said...

Anders what a great idea. I am looking forward to more instalements, especially on the painting aspects.


Cesar Paz said...

Very usefull.
Have you sculpt the head, feets and torso parts?
Regards, Cesar